Patek Philippe 5159G replica

Replica Patek Philippe 5159G Super Complex Watch

Patek Philippe was founded on May 1, 1839. It has a history of nearly 200 years. Patek Philippe brand watch is not only a time display watch, but also a work of art. Because they are really beautiful. Today’s protagonist is the complex and beautiful replica Patek Philippe 5159G.

Patek Philippe 5159G replica


First, replica Patek Philippe 5159G has a simple look. Smooth white gold case with bezel and ivory dial. In addition, this replica Patek Philippe watch has a brown alligator leather strap. From the overall appearance, the watch is designed as a dress watch. So that means it can go with your T-shirt and suit.


replica Patek Philippe 5159G

The biggest feature of replica Patek Philippe 5159G is that it has super complex functions. Next, let’s see what functions are available. In addition to the most basic function of time, minute and second, it has many other functions. First, the most obvious six o’clock phase in the dial. Second, the three o’clock rectangular window shows the month. Third, nine o’clock shows the week. Fourth, the numbers 1 to 31 in the inner circle are matched with the fourth red arrow to show the date. The date will automatically beat at midnight every night. The fifth and most interesting design is the small window at 12 o’clock. This window exists for the wearer to distinguish the auspicious year. There are four roman numbers in this window, namely 1, 2, 3 and 4.Then 4, which means leap year.

Bottom Cover

replica Patek Philippe 5159G

Replica Patek Philippe 5159G also has an interesting bottom cover. Turn the replica watch over and you will see a smooth bottom cover. But it can be opened. After opening the door, you can see a transparent bottom cover. Under the transparent bottom cover is cal.316 SQR movement. The movement can be adjusted automatically according to the number of days per month and the change of leap year. So it avoids errors. This complex process and 21K pure gold pendulum constitute a beautiful landscape. Open the dust cover in your spare time, and you can enjoy this beautiful movement quietly. On the whole, the bottom cover is full of retro atmosphere.

Replica Patek Philippe 5159G has a simple look and a complex design. Its biggest advantage is that it can emit a gorgeous atmosphere. Finally, I would like to say that this is a watch worth collecting.

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