
Deepsea, rolex

Big And Heavy Rolex Replica Deepsea 126660

Rolex Submariner 126660 replica

In recent years, diving watches have become a new trend. But when it comes to diving watches, we have to say Rolex. Rolex diving watches are quite professional in the watch industry. Different people have different perceptions of Rolex watches. Some people think that Rolex watches are a symbol of success. And some people think that Rolex watches are fashionable accessories. Of course, some people think Rolex is a manifestation of wealth. Ten thousand people have ten thousand opinions about Rolex replica Deepsea .

replica Rolex Submariner 126660


Next is the protagonist of this article. Rolex Deepsea 126660. This is the new Rolex watch from 2018. It has a 44MM stainless steel case. Compared to regular Rolex diving replica watches, this 2018 replica submariner is thicker and heavier. Replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 also has a shiny black ceramic bezel. And this bezel can only rotate in one direction. This is actually a method of protection. The bezel is used to calculate your dive time. It can only rotate counterclockwise to a square. So divers don’t have to worry about the displacement of the bezel due to collision.

Diving Depth

Rolex replica Submariner 126660

Replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 is a very professional diving watch. Why do you say that? Because the general Rolex diving watch only has a water resistance of 300M. And this replica Deepsea watch has a diving depth of 3900M. It’s a terrible depth.

In order to make this diving watch normal under the sea of 3900M, it has a thicker mirror. So this keeps the diving watch from being deformed by the pressure in the water. There is also an exhaust valve on the left side of the case. It guarantees that the watch will not be damaged.Of course, few people can dive 300M underwater, let alone 3000M. So 300M is more about the mechanical performance of this replica Rolex watch.

Wear On Wrist

Rolex Submariner 126660 replica

This has to be analyzed from two perspectives. One is the angle of the wearer, and the other is the angle of the viewer. Because only the wearer can feel the large size, weight and thickness of replica Rolex Deepsea 126660. But in fact, the viewer next to the wearer cannot see these differences. The weight of Rolex Deepsea 126660 can always remind you that it is on your wrist. If you remove this replica Deepsea watch from your wrist, you will feel that something is missing from your wrist.

In addition, the adjustment function on the stainless steel bracelet is very practical. It can adjust the length of the bracelet very easily. When you are in bed or taking off your thick wetsuit, you can adjust your watch at will.

Problems with size and thickness make everyone afraid to buy this watch. But as a man, neither of them is a problem. It can better reflect a man’s spirit.