
Cellini, rolex

Rolex Dress Watch Replica Cellini Time 50505

replica Rolex Cellini Time 50505.webp

When it comes to Rolex, the first word people think of is probably sporty, expensive, sturdy, and precise. People who don’t know Rolex generally don’t think of the word elegance. How could Rolex have something to do with elegance? However, Rolex does have an elegant collection, that is, the formal watch replica Cellini Collection. In this issue, we will review the Rolex Cellini Time 50505.

Rolex Cellini Time 50505 Replica

Rolex Cellini Time 50505 replica

Replica Rolex Cellini Time 50505 has a 39MM dial. The case and crown are made of Rolex’s patented 18ct rose gold. The dial is in a pure black state. Compared with the previous generation Cellini, the time scale of the Cellini Time 50505 has changed. It canceled the Roman numerals at 6 and 12 o’clock.

Simple Dial

replica Rolex Cellini Time 50505.webp

The simple and clean dial is set with three-dimensional metal hour markers. The middle minute scale moves like a track between the hour scales. This is a steady but not exaggerated performance. The three silver hands in the center are like three swords. They accurately indicate hours, minutes and seconds. This replica Rolex watch is not only a charming gentleman, but also loved by professionals.


Rolex replica Cellini Time 50505.webp

The material of the swiss replicas watch bottom cover is also 904L stainless steel. You can see yourself through the mirror image of the bottom shell reflection. So you can find your own watch replica in the world of Cellini. Rolex Cellini Time 50505 is equipped with NO.3132 automatic movement. NO.3132 movement is accurate and stable when moving, and the function is very reliable. Paired with a rose gold case is a black leather strap. The black strap echoes the dial.

Finally, did you fall in love with this Rolex dress watch? Replica Rolex Cellini Time 50505 is the simplest of all Rolex watches. There are also many simple dress watches in the Cellini collection. I hope you can find the Rolex dress watch that suits you best.

Day-Date, rolex

Replica Rolex Day-Date Rainbow Sapphire 128349RBR

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR replica

Rolex created many technical achievements when it launched Day-Date in 1956. For example, it not only uses two precious metals, gold and platinum, but it is also the world’s first watch to display the date and the full name on the dial at the same time. This watch has been nicknamed “President’s Watch” because it was loved by the President of the United States. Although the function of Day-Date is not the most complicated Rolex watch. But because of its history and the case made of precious metals, Day-Date has become one of the most expensive watches in the Rolex series.

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR Replica

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR replica

The Rolex Day-Date series was upgraded in 2019. The main change is the upgrade of the movement. This year Rolex also launched several new 36MM replica watches. This series of ideas focuses on the gold case and green dial. The replica Rolex Day-Date128349RBR is an exception. This watch is set with many diamonds on the dial, the center link of the bracelet, and the bezel. At the same time, colored stones are used to attract attention. The bezel and bracelet are set with more than 450 diamonds. It is quite eye-catching to wear on your hand.

Countless Diamonds

replica Rolex Day-Date128349RBR

Rolex Day-Date is currently only available in 36MM and 40MM sizes. The 36MM Day-Date includes three watches in gold, white and rose gold. The 40MM Day-Date has an extra platinum case to choose from. In all replica Rolex stainless steel series, Day-Date using only precious metals seems quite unique and noble. So even Day-Date without diamonds is very expensive. Replica Rolex Day-Date 128349RBR is made of platinum. Platinum makes a normal configuration in the Day-Date series. However, Ref.128349RBR is different from other 36MM Day-Date in that the number of gems is particularly large. Among them, there are 52 round diamonds on the bezel and 412 diamonds on the central link of the bracelet.

Colored Sapphire Hour Markers

Replica Rolex Day-Date 128349RBR not only uses studded diamonds to attract people. Even more attractive is the use of 10 colored stones on the time scale. The 36MM Day-Date dial can be generally divided into three types: rectangular time scale, Roman numeral time scale and gemstone time scale. Gem hour markers are divided into diamonds and colored gems. Day-Date 36MM inlaid with colored sapphires is actually available in gold, white and rose gold. However, compared with gold and rose gold, the color sapphire indexes and the white gold case are more beautiful. Because white gold and the silvery white of diamonds not only won’t rob the gems of the gems, but also highlight these colored gems. From a practical point of view, the color time scale is clearer. From a decorative point of view, colored gemstones can add value to the watch’s visual effects.

Better Movement

Rolex replica Day-Date128349RBR

Gorgeous appearance is the characteristic of Ref.128349RBR, but don’t forget to change the movement from NO.3155 to NO.3255 in the 36MM Day-Date in 2019. 40MM Day-Date watches used NO.3255 movement in 2015. Four years later, the smaller 36MM has finally caught up with the 40MM. The practicability of NO.3255 movement is obviously improved. Because it increases the power reserve to 70 hours. At the same time, it also ensures that the replica Rolex Day-Date 128349RBR has a waterproof depth of 100M.

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR is a truly luxurious women’s watch. Of course, in daily life, you will not wear a gem-set watch. So Rolex Day-Date128349RBR general and noble dress appeared in high-level venues.

Deepsea, rolex

Big And Heavy Rolex Replica Deepsea 126660

Rolex Submariner 126660 replica

In recent years, diving watches have become a new trend. But when it comes to diving watches, we have to say Rolex. Rolex diving watches are quite professional in the watch industry. Different people have different perceptions of Rolex watches. Some people think that Rolex watches are a symbol of success. And some people think that Rolex watches are fashionable accessories. Of course, some people think Rolex is a manifestation of wealth. Ten thousand people have ten thousand opinions about Rolex replica Deepsea .

replica Rolex Submariner 126660


Next is the protagonist of this article. Rolex Deepsea 126660. This is the new Rolex watch from 2018. It has a 44MM stainless steel case. Compared to regular Rolex diving replica watches, this 2018 replica submariner is thicker and heavier. Replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 also has a shiny black ceramic bezel. And this bezel can only rotate in one direction. This is actually a method of protection. The bezel is used to calculate your dive time. It can only rotate counterclockwise to a square. So divers don’t have to worry about the displacement of the bezel due to collision.

Diving Depth

Rolex replica Submariner 126660

Replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 is a very professional diving watch. Why do you say that? Because the general Rolex diving watch only has a water resistance of 300M. And this replica Deepsea watch has a diving depth of 3900M. It’s a terrible depth.

In order to make this diving watch normal under the sea of 3900M, it has a thicker mirror. So this keeps the diving watch from being deformed by the pressure in the water. There is also an exhaust valve on the left side of the case. It guarantees that the watch will not be damaged.Of course, few people can dive 300M underwater, let alone 3000M. So 300M is more about the mechanical performance of this replica Rolex watch.

Wear On Wrist

Rolex Submariner 126660 replica

This has to be analyzed from two perspectives. One is the angle of the wearer, and the other is the angle of the viewer. Because only the wearer can feel the large size, weight and thickness of replica Rolex Deepsea 126660. But in fact, the viewer next to the wearer cannot see these differences. The weight of Rolex Deepsea 126660 can always remind you that it is on your wrist. If you remove this replica Deepsea watch from your wrist, you will feel that something is missing from your wrist.

In addition, the adjustment function on the stainless steel bracelet is very practical. It can adjust the length of the bracelet very easily. When you are in bed or taking off your thick wetsuit, you can adjust your watch at will.

Problems with size and thickness make everyone afraid to buy this watch. But as a man, neither of them is a problem. It can better reflect a man’s spirit.

Daytona, rolex

Panda Dial Rolex Replica Daytona 116500LN Watch Review

Rolex Daytona 116500LN replica

There are thousands of watches. But for many people, they only love chronographs. Among the approximately 1.5 million mechanical chronographs produced each year, some use innovative materials and some are pursuing time errors. But we have to admit that Rolex replica Daytona deserves the crown logo.

Rolex Daytona 116500LN replica

Daytona “The King Of Steel”

The Rolex Daytona is not the most expensive chronograph in a watch. Except for Daytona, which is particularly expensive in all gold or platinum, the price of stainless steel Daytona is not unacceptably high. So there are many people wearing Daytona. Some people call stainless steel Daytona the “king of steel.” The reason why stainless steel Daytona is called ‘King’ is actually very simple. No matter from which aspect, stainless steel Daytona is better than gold watch. The value even exceeds many gold watches. Today’s protagonist is the stainless steel replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN.


Rolex replica Daytona 116500LN

Replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN is a new replica watch launched in 2016. A 40mm diameter stainless steel case with a bracelet of the same material. And the stainless steel case with a black ceramic bezel.

The bezel is the most prone to scratches on a watch. And there is no other way to repair the injured bezel. Don’t worry, Rolex’s ceramic bezel will not cause you these troubles. The hardness of Rolex’s ceramic bezel is greatly improved. Normal friction does not leave marks on the bezel. So Rolex watches look like a new watch after a few years. This is the benefit of ceramic rings. Therefore, replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN with ceramic bezel will be more valuable than Daytona with stainless steel bezel.

Why Use A Ceramic Bezel

One is that the black ceramic bezel is also platinum-plated. The numbers and scale on the bezel are plated with platinum. Platinum not only makes the numbers bright and beautiful, but also enhances the value of this replica watch.

Second, the black ceramic ring echoes the black sub-dial on the dial. That’s why this Daytona watch is called the Panda Dial. And this Daytona has a historical classic color scheme. There is no doubt that the value of this watch has more room to rise.


replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN

Replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN uses NO.4130 movement. The NO.4130 movement has a power reserve of 72 hours. It is certified by the Super Observatory, with an accuracy of + 2 / -2 seconds per day, and is waterproof to 100 meters. Starting with Daytona 6263, 6265, Rolex added a timing button lock to Daytona. And this has become one of the iconic equipment of Hyundai Daytona. Although Daytona is a chronograph, it still has the waterproof performance of the same class of replica Rolex sports watches.

There is no hope for a classic all-stainless steel Daytona. But buying a replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN that pays tribute to the classic is a better way.

rolex, Submariner

Rolex Replica Submariner 116613LB With Blue Dial

replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB

The Rolex Submariner 116613LB was once one of Rolex’s hottest watches. Rolex replica Submariner has a very iconic and timeless design.

Rolex Submariner 116613LB replica

Classic Waterproof Design

Replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB continues the classic design of the Submariner series. It also has an oyster-like case with a submarine-like closed hatch. The most professional diving watch in the Rolex brand. This replica Submariner watch is water resistant to 300 meters. So whether you go to the beach for water or deep diving, this watch works as usual.


Rolex replica Submariner 116613LB

The replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB has a retro-looking blue dial with deep sea colors. This dial is of pure beauty. The hue of the blue side is saturated. It won’t get tired even after watching it for a long time. Compared with 116610LV, replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB is more stable. The hands and hour markers of this replica watch are displayed with Chromalight. Noctilucent light can continue to shine in water for more than 8 hours, which is twice as long as ordinary luminous materials.


replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB

Replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB has another important design. That is the one-way counterclockwise rotating bezel. And this bezel also has a safety lock device. The purpose of the safety device is to avoid accidental contact and miscalculation of time in the water. The blue Cerachrom bezel has excellent corrosion resistance. Even if the bezel is exposed to strong ultraviolet light or comes in contact with seawater, it does not fade easily.

Replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB uses a classic Oyster bracelet. The middle link is made of gold. In general, replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB has the toughness of 904L stainless steel, while also having the luxury of a watch.


Elegant Replica Rolex Cellini Date 50519 With Blue Dial

Rolex Replica Cellini Date 50519 watch

As everyone knows, Rolex Cellini is not a sports watch, but a formal watch. Cellini has always impressed us with simple luxury watches. But don’t forget, Cellini also has a lot of Dual Time watches. Today I will introduce one of my favorite replica Rolex Cellini Date 50519.

Birth Of Rolex Cellini 50519

Rolex Cellini Date 50519 Replica watch

In 2014, Rolex released three fashion watches for Cellini. One of them is the replica Rolex Cellini Date 50519. This watch is the most beautiful of the Cellini Date watches. In fact, the date window for replica Rolex Cellini comes from the original Datejust.


Replica Rolex Cellini Date 50519 watch

Replica Rolex Cellini 50519 is a platinum version. Unlike Datejust and Day-Date, Rolex Cellini uses only precious metals. It has a 39MM case. The 39MM number is neither too large nor too small. And I think the Cellini case blends elegance and modernity in a satisfying way. This replica Rolex watch has a slim case. This watch’s grooved bezel surrounds a smooth bezel.


Rolex Cellini Date 50519 Replica

The blue dial Rolex Cellini is the best choice. Because it adds some vitality to this replica watch. But it is still considered neutral enough to be worn daily. The blue dial incorporates a retro-style scalloped design. So this dial will show different colors from different angles. In addition, replica Rolex Cellini Date 50519 is not a simple date window. Instead, at three o’clock, there is a disc that displays the 31-day date.


Rolex Replica Cellini Date 50519 watch

The ultra-thin Cellini 50519 has a movement No. 3165. This movement is designed for Rolex Cellini Date. It also has a COSC certification and a 48-hour power reserve. Although the design of Cellini is similar to that of the Oyster case, it is only waterproof to a depth of 50M.

If you regularly attend places that require a suit and know that dates are still useful to you, replica Rolex Cellini Date is a very attractive watch.


Fake Rolex Watches With Dual Time Zone, Sky-Dweller VS GMT-Master II

Fake Rolex Watches With Dual Time Zone Sky-Dweller VS GMT-Master II

As everyone knows, Rolex has been making tool watches. Businessmen or pilots who travel frequently travel to different places, so they will consider buying a watch with dual time zone function. Two fake Rolex watches have dual time zone function, Rolex Sky-Dweller, and GMT-Master II.

fake Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR watch


This article uses Rolex Sky-Dweller 326935 and Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR as comparative prototypes. Both fake Rolex watches use patented eternal rose gold. So the price of these two watches is relatively high.

Fake Rolex Watches With Dual Time Zone Function

fake Rolex Sky-Dweller 326935

Although both Rolex Sky-Dweller and GMT-Master II have dual time zone functions, their designs are completely different. GMT-Master II’s two-color bezel shows 24 hours as the time in the second time zone. The dark color in the upper half of the And bezel indicates night, and the light color in the lower half indicates daytime. Then the fourth end of GMT-Master II is the time of the second urban area corresponding to the triangular pointer.

Rolex Sky-Dweller’s dual time zone feature is located off-center inside the dial. The eccentric bezel is engraved with 24-hour numbers. The difference is that the eccentric bezel will always rotate, but the hands will not move. This pointer stays under the “ROLEX” at 12 o’clock and is an inverted triangle. So the dual time zone features of these two Rolex watches are stored differently. The former is on the bezel and the latter is inside the dial.


Rolex fake Sky-Dweller 326935 watch

Rolex Sky-Dweller 326935 is 2mm wider than fake Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR. Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR is 40MM. But the dial of the GMT-Master II looks much smaller. Because it has a wider ceramic bezel. But Sky-Dweller is a thinner grooved bezel. Therefore, although it is only 2MM, the dial of Sky-Dweller is much larger.

Other Features Of Fake Rolex Watches

In addition to the dual time zone function, replica Rolex Sky-Dweller and GMT-Master II have other functions. For example, the dial has a date window at three o’clock. And Sky-Dweller has one more month of functionality. The outer circle of the 12-time scales has a small rectangle corresponding to 12 months. Each time the corresponding month is reached, the corresponding rectangle is marked in red, and the remaining 11 rectangles remain white.


Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR fake watch

The dials of the replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 326935 and Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR are very different. The index of Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR is mainly round. The index of Rolex Sky-Dweller 326935 is mainly rectangular. Secondly, the crown pattern of the previous Rolex watch is below the 12 o’clock hour mark. Sky-Dweller’s crown logo is at 12 o’clock.


These two fake Rolex watches are equipped with different complex movements. Rolex GMT-Master II 126715CHNR uses NO.3285 movement, and another watch uses NO.9001 movement. Both fake watches have applied for many patents. The NO.3285 movement has 10 patents, and the NO.9001 movement has 7 patents. Both movements can store 72 hours of power. But NO.9001 movement is more reliable. Because NO.9001 movement has anti-magnetic Parachrom hairspring and Paraflex shock absorber.

A watch with dual time zone function is not only suitable for pilots and tourists, but also for people who are away from home. It is now commonplace for children to work in places other than their parents’ hometowns. So you can often wear a dual time zone watch and always pay attention to what parents in your hometown are doing.


The 2 most sought after watches and their cheaper replica alternatives

In the past, it was so easy to spot a fake watch, but the game to make fake has changed, using increasingly sophisticated machines and technology to make replicas as close to the originals as possible. We sell imitation watches to become more difficult to recognize without a trained eye.

Replica Rolex Submariner black stainless steel


The Rolex Submariner is constantly improving and is considered the diver’s best fake watch par excellence. The reputation of Rolex also contributes to very good value retention.

In 1953 Rolex presented his Submariner. The diver’s watch was the first to be waterproof up to 100 meters, but already in the next year, this value was increased to 200 meters, later to 300 meters. The typical crown protection came in 1959. 1966 followed the first model with the date under the characteristic magnifying glass. From the beginning, the Rolex Submariner had an automatic manufacturing plant. 2010, the steel version has been revised again: In addition to a massive clasp with finely graded extension option was added a scratch-resistant rotating bezel made of ceramic. The Submariner with date magnifier is available in seven variants, the Submariner without date display is only available in the black stainless steel version. The price for the Replica Submariner black stainless steel Date shown amounts to $150.

so it’s a good frame of reference to start from. the differences between the real Submariner 116610LN and the fake are kept incredibly subtle and more often than not a high magnification is needed to see them.

The fine workings of a Rolex mean that the date has to be small for everything to work perfectly, To compensate for this, replica Rolex a cyclops window, or magnifier, is added to make the date more visible. Everything on a Rolex replica is made to perfection.

Breitling Replica Navitimer 1 B01 Chronograph 46

n 1952 Breitling introduced the Navitimer. It was intended for pilots and had next to the chronograph a slide rule bezel, which could be calculated, among other things, descent rates and range. As a work, the Venus 178 with Tricompax was used. In 1962 the watch got its typical look with the white dials. From the end of the seventies the Valjoux 7740, the manual winding version of the Valjoux 7750, was already ticking in the Navitimer. Over time, there have been major design adjustments, and by the early 1970s, even LED and LCD displays were showing technical progress. Today, however, the Navitimer replica looks like it was in its sixties – only that it has a date, a water tightness of three bars and a different caliber. Today it costs Navitimer replica with its own chronograph movement B01 $159.

The amount of care and detail in a cheap replica Breitling is reflected by the weight. Breitling’s are heavy and feel well-balanced. If you put it in your hand and then it feels like a real watch.

A replica Breitling calendar fills the entire cavity and is exceptionally clear to read. The Breitling logo match is precise. The amount of care and detail in a replica Breitling is reflected by the weight. Breitling’s are heavy and feel well balanced. If you put it in your hand and it feels like a real watch.


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