
Day-Date, rolex

Replica Rolex Day-Date Rainbow Sapphire 128349RBR

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR replica

Rolex created many technical achievements when it launched Day-Date in 1956. For example, it not only uses two precious metals, gold and platinum, but it is also the world’s first watch to display the date and the full name on the dial at the same time. This watch has been nicknamed “President’s Watch” because it was loved by the President of the United States. Although the function of Day-Date is not the most complicated Rolex watch. But because of its history and the case made of precious metals, Day-Date has become one of the most expensive watches in the Rolex series.

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR Replica

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR replica

The Rolex Day-Date series was upgraded in 2019. The main change is the upgrade of the movement. This year Rolex also launched several new 36MM replica watches. This series of ideas focuses on the gold case and green dial. The replica Rolex Day-Date128349RBR is an exception. This watch is set with many diamonds on the dial, the center link of the bracelet, and the bezel. At the same time, colored stones are used to attract attention. The bezel and bracelet are set with more than 450 diamonds. It is quite eye-catching to wear on your hand.

Countless Diamonds

replica Rolex Day-Date128349RBR

Rolex Day-Date is currently only available in 36MM and 40MM sizes. The 36MM Day-Date includes three watches in gold, white and rose gold. The 40MM Day-Date has an extra platinum case to choose from. In all replica Rolex stainless steel series, Day-Date using only precious metals seems quite unique and noble. So even Day-Date without diamonds is very expensive. Replica Rolex Day-Date 128349RBR is made of platinum. Platinum makes a normal configuration in the Day-Date series. However, Ref.128349RBR is different from other 36MM Day-Date in that the number of gems is particularly large. Among them, there are 52 round diamonds on the bezel and 412 diamonds on the central link of the bracelet.

Colored Sapphire Hour Markers

Replica Rolex Day-Date 128349RBR not only uses studded diamonds to attract people. Even more attractive is the use of 10 colored stones on the time scale. The 36MM Day-Date dial can be generally divided into three types: rectangular time scale, Roman numeral time scale and gemstone time scale. Gem hour markers are divided into diamonds and colored gems. Day-Date 36MM inlaid with colored sapphires is actually available in gold, white and rose gold. However, compared with gold and rose gold, the color sapphire indexes and the white gold case are more beautiful. Because white gold and the silvery white of diamonds not only won’t rob the gems of the gems, but also highlight these colored gems. From a practical point of view, the color time scale is clearer. From a decorative point of view, colored gemstones can add value to the watch’s visual effects.

Better Movement

Rolex replica Day-Date128349RBR

Gorgeous appearance is the characteristic of Ref.128349RBR, but don’t forget to change the movement from NO.3155 to NO.3255 in the 36MM Day-Date in 2019. 40MM Day-Date watches used NO.3255 movement in 2015. Four years later, the smaller 36MM has finally caught up with the 40MM. The practicability of NO.3255 movement is obviously improved. Because it increases the power reserve to 70 hours. At the same time, it also ensures that the replica Rolex Day-Date 128349RBR has a waterproof depth of 100M.

Rolex Day-Date128349RBR is a truly luxurious women’s watch. Of course, in daily life, you will not wear a gem-set watch. So Rolex Day-Date128349RBR general and noble dress appeared in high-level venues.