classic watch


The Five Most Classic Fake Rolex Watches

Rolex Submariner 116613LB fake

The marketing of Rolex watches has to be said to be very successful. From Hulk to Black Submariner Date. There is also Daytona with stainless steel and set bezel. And Rolex watches are updated slowly. The average buyer will choose the hottest watch style. So it is very obvious which fake Rolex watches are popular.

Rolex Submariner 116610LV Fake

Rolex Submariner 116610LV Fake

The most classic and most distinguishable is fake Rolex Submariner 116610LV. It is also known as the “Hulk”. The green ceramic bezel and dial make thisĀ replica watches quality highly recognizable. The 40MM dial and bracelet are made of 904L stainless steel. The workmanship of the hour markers on the dial and the scales on the bezel are extremely fine. The scratch-resistant sapphire glass has a Cyclops at 3 o’clock. This watch has a NO.3135 movement and a water resistance of 300M.

Rolex Submariner 116610LN Fake

Rolex Submariner 116610LN fake

The second most classic of the Submariner collection is the black Submariner Date. Fake Rolex Submariner 116610LN has also been in short supply. Both the material and the design are no different from the green Ref.116610LV. The only difference is that the replica Rolex Submariner 116610LN has a black dial and ceramic bezel. Also the color of the dial and bezel of 40MM is changed to black. It is still NO.3135 automatic mechanical movement.

Rolex Daytona 116500LN Fake

Rolex Daytona 116500LN fake

The stainless steel Daytona is the easiest watch in the Daytona collection. Fake Rolex Daytona 116500LN is also the hottest watch in this collection. Daytona 116500LN with white dial also began to repeat the pace of Submariner 116610LV. The design of the three small dials in the 40MM dial is a feature of this series. This feature is also the most popular. Both the case and the strap are made of 904L stainless steel. No. 4130 automatic mechanical movement is used inside.

Rolex Submariner 116613LB Fake

Rolex Submariner 116613LB fake

I think this Submariner watch is the most beautiful watch in the Submariner collection. Fake Rolex Submariner 116613LB is a two tone blue watch. We often see stainless steel Submariner in green, black or blue. So when I saw the blue Submariner with 18K gold, I was very happy. Especially in summer, both the gold and blue dials and bezels are very bright under the sun.

Rolex GMT-Master 126710BLRO Fake

Rolex GMT-Master 126710BLRO fake

Fake Rolex GMT-Master 126710BLRO has recently become popular. But it’s growing in popularity. It is a GMT-Master with a Pepsi bezel. The 40MM case with black dial is a classic design. The red and blue ceramic bezel can be rotated in both directions. This is also the most attractive design. In addition, it is equipped with No. 3285 automatic mechanical movement.

These five watches are the most popular watches in the classics. Every watch has loyal fans. And they are not satisfied with having one of five watches. You can buy all five watches at once in the store.